Monday, February 5, 2007

Just imagine...

Unfortunately I couldn't take pictures of yesterday's dinner - it would have seemed odd and inappropriate to Richie's parents and their guests... so let me just tell you with what Mrs Hicks pampered us:

- Champagne with huckleberry sirup (home made)
- Lamb's lettuce with porcini mushrooms with a creamy vinaigrette with herbs
- Some absolutely delicious roast beef (I hope that's the correct name - a roast from a cow?) with ridciulously yummy gravy, green beans (?) and home made potatoe dumplings
- rasberry (?) "mousse" (not exactly mousse - here it's called "Kuli"... it's... hm. Puree?) with vanilla sauce and cookies

Yummy. Saturday evenings I always wish my stomach was at least four times its size...


mal said...

Oh I can't to be in Germany!

Korlin said...

You what?! I hope this is supposed to be "I can't wait to be in Germany" rather than "I can't be in Germany"... :)