The land of britainia is a queer and silly place that has many WEIRD shits. especially london. yesterday i went shopping and got a few things at the nice grocery store down the street called "waitrose."

in our flat, we have some weird ass shit. in england, people never have regular sized refridgerators. they are all like, half sized. so naturally, thats what libbs and i have in our flat! and NATURALLY its fucking filled with food..

then we have this weird ass microstove. its fucking crazy, right? has like, two burners on top of the top of the little oven part. WEIRD.
okay, now to the food..

yo, this is a sweet example of some digestive biscuits. can you believe that biscuits (cookies) they refer to as freaking DIGESTIVES?! what the hell is that? there is history to it lemme tell you. in the 19th century and before, much of the biscuits (cookies) that were made were really hard and not digested well. in the 19th century, they started making biscuits that were like, eaten easier and weren't super hard and gross! so of course one would say "DIGESTIVE BISCUITS" and the name stuck. these particular ones are WHEAT GOODNESS cookies by mcvities which usually are doused in chocolate, but i figure i eat enough chocolate here.

the next thing i have are JAMMIE DODGERS! you may be familiar with them if you ever read the angus, thongs and full frontal snogging books. anyways, these marvelous digestives boast "DELICIOUS STRETCHY JAM SPLODGED AT THE HEART OF 2 YUMMY SHORTCAKE BISCUITS" completely sick, right? its true that the jam is stretchy. and that it is splodged. obviously.
obviously england grocery stores are different. and um, next time ill take you to the grocery store.
i had no idea england was so... freakin weird.
I would like to splodge your jammie dodger.
1. karina, you're amazing.
2. I make jammie bodgers out of this cookbook i have, mallory is obsessed with them.
3. have you not been made aware of teddy's obsession with digestives? she gets them imported to oak park, she seriously has a bulk stash in the back of her cupboards of the kind that are coated in chocolate. i personally prefer this other biscuit mcvitie's makes, they are shortbread with currants in them. be on the look out! [but the wheaty oat ones are incredible, too]
You don't need to import thm yourself, Villager carries them, and so does that Irish shop on Oak Park and North Blvd.
linni, i believe that you are referring to JAFFA CAKES!
no i swear the ones i had were mcvities brand, in a blue and purple tube similar in every way but color to the one in your picture.
I DO love jammie bodgers.
but I'm confused with the bodger vs. the dodger.
is there a difference or something?
jaffa cakes are by mcvities.
and mal, the english way to say it is jammy Dodger. not bodger.
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