Everybody go look at that. Pay close attention to the specials section and also to the fact that they have DUCK FAT FRENCH FRIES. It's just a normal hot dog stand, but with the most high-class stuff. wagyu beef! toppings you've never imagined anywhere near a sausage. glorious. we MUST go here as soon as we are all home again. i might be going home at spring break solely to try this place.
I snagged these pictures off of this blog called Skillet Doux---gotta give props

Merlot and blueberry venison sausage with three-berry mustard and stilton-apricot cheese

Calvados [apple liquor] infused smoked-duck sausage with apple mustard, white truffle cheese, and foie gras butter

cajun pork sausage with bleu cheese dijon, fried okra and spicy smoked almonds
I realize that isn't something i ate today, but it is a highlight in the foods of our lives [wow this blog could have had so many names. eric suggested hey teddy! look what we ate today!]. hot doug went to kendall college, that cooking school in evanston, so that's pretty sweet. in other food news, i decided today that i am definitely going to cooking school after oxy, not law school. we'll see how long this lasts. Now i'm off to eat a sandwich for dinner, because Teddy told me I had to eat a sandwich for her today.
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