in this post. i would like to recount 4 sanwich instances that have particulary stuck with me.
South Kensington, the home of many french immigrants, could easily be referred to as "Little France." This little airy cafe is situated on Glouster Road, 1 block south of the Glouster Tube Stop, is darling and pretty inexpensive! WOOT. (i've obviously been reading too many tour books) the sandwich i ordered was simply a tuna sandwich. as i examined the tuna mixture though, i noticed SWEET CORN instead of the typical american celery or pickle additions.. and what a difference. a simple, but amazing change!

Cornwall is known as the land of the Pasty. Pastys are amazing little half pie like things with meats and veggies inside. obviously amazing. but i'm not here to talk about pastys, i'm here to talk about my sandwich. as i perused the menu, i spied "Egg Sandwich" and wondered what the hell this could be! i ordered it excitedly and was asked if i wanted white or brown bread. i chose brown NATURALLY. the sandwich consisted of fantastic wheat bread, butter (as the english always butter their bread), and sliced boiled eggs. an easy, but very tasty sandwich.
Cornwall, being the seaside area that it is, tends to have many seafood options on the menus. At the Minack theatre, which is an outside theatre chiseled out of stone on the coastal cliffs of cornwall, i enjoyed another sandwich. a crayfish masterpiece, complete with salad cream, onions, romaine lettuce, and of course, crayfish! gotta love seafood.
This nice little french cafe called apostrophe has many baguettes to choose from. I ended up choosing one that was FABULOUS mostly because of my budget and it being better for you than many others. It had pine nuts, hummus, watercress, cucumbers, and red onions. and may i say, TO DIE FOR.
in my next entries, i will discuss fish and chips, indian food in the UK and a few other topics. maybe even sandwiches more. so, be excited. duh.
Wrap #4 up in some heavy-duty parchment paper and send my way, please!
Spage, the Minack theater sounds amazing! Send pictures! Is it close to you?
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