After a spectacular failure with our first batch, we've perfected the process and are now experimenting with new flavors.
Our first successful batch is a pound of spicy/sweet rump roast. Angry Tiger Industries chose to continue experimenting with rump roast verses other more exotic meats because of the cost of such meats. Angry Tiger Industries will begin with more exotic meats once an ideal recipe is found.
As this post is being written, another pound of sweet garlic is currently being marinaded and should be ready by tonight.
Blake Zenteno
Chief Executive Officer/Founder
Angry Tiger Industries, DeKalb, IL
Chief Executive Officer/Founder
Angry Tiger Industries, DeKalb, IL
explain more about the process! how did you dry it?
also gimmegimmegimme. seriously. mail it.
The marinade has to have a lot of salt in it, so Worchestershire Sauce and soy sauce have to be the base. You marinade for several hours and then you can use either a dehydrator, smoker, or an oven.
We did it in the oven by putting it on the lowest setting possible (about 200 degrees), and then leaving the oven slightly open. It takes about an hour to two to dry. You have to be careful when drying in the oven though because too long burns it.
I'll send you some of the next batch because you don't like spicy things and this is rather potent.
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