Monday, February 5, 2007

Ask Us About Catering for the Superb Owl

The Super Bowl happened. Yeah. But I'm not here to talk about the game. I'm here to talk about where I watched the Super Bowl. B.J.'s is a Chicago-style Brewery that brags about its deep-dish and pizzookies. Pizza cookies. Don't pee yourself, there will be more on that later. FIRST:

This is their deep-dish. I know, I know, it's not deep-dish REALLY. it doesn't have sauce even. but it's spinach artichoke and it tasted really good, it tasted kinda like garlic bread with toppings. I enjoyed it once I got outside of expecting it to taste like the real thing.

And now, the moment we've all been waiting for...

The Pizzookie party platter arrives, in all its four-flavored, ice-cream-avalanche-topped glory. What you see there is white chocolate macadamia nut, oatmeal raisin walnut, cookies 'n' cream, and chocolate chip. peanut butter was an option but we had to sacrifice one of the five. Now the hilarious part is what this MASSIVE thing looked like literally about 2 minutes later [maybe less, seriously].

-Linni, and her LA gang of fatties,
reporting from California

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