Monday, February 5, 2007

Eagle Rock goes Parisienne

So the other night Jessica was like, yo lintown, i need me some cheese and grapes STAT.
she wanted to go to von's, but trader joe's was the natural destination for such goods.
10 minutes later and we're standing in front of their cheese fridge, tripping and squealing over each other.
"oh bah gaw, basil goat cheese!"
"creme fraiche!"
"i love gouda!"
"low fat babybels!"
then we hit the motherload. flavored chevres. fig chevre. pepper chevre.
yeah. we bought that.
and a whole-grain demi-baguette.
and dark purple seedless grapes [there was not a bad one in the bunch]
and babybels, and gala apples cuz they're the best for just straight eating.

So we had ourselves a delicious little in-dorm picnic and that was the end of that.

-Linni, CA

1 comment:

Elk Warrior said...

I have those Babybels in my fridge. Methinks I'll eat one...