Saturday, February 3, 2007


Linni, this is especially for you (something tells me you'll appreciate this the most):

When Richie and I tried to mix Cosmopolitans on our own it was simply disgusting. I thougt I just didn't like Cosmos. BUT NO! We just didn't do it properly - this one was HEAVEN. Sweet and - for some reason - very rasberryish (usually it's cranberry, isn't it?). And notice how perfectly the little napkin matches the drink! And the perfect little starfruit! Totally worth the 6 Euros.
Mal, when you get here, I'll take you there. Ela works at that place.


Linni said...

oh my god, what a gorgeous image! i could stare at that all day.

Korlin said...

I know! I consider having it as my desktop picture... :)

Elk Warrior said...

That's pretty damn impressive. tell ela i'll be expecting some amazing rum drink while i'm there.

Korlin said...

Hehe, she doesn't mix them herself - but they've got pretty amazing cocktails there. Don't worry, we'll do aaaall that stuff :)
Perfect - this will directly go to my "What-to-do-when-amazing-kids-visit-me"-list:
Cocktail party. Literally.

mal said...

wow. how much exactly 6 euros? more or less than 6 dollars.
Definitly looks worth it to me.

mal said...
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KBenloucif said...

Oh my gosh... beautiful. The starfruit is so lovely! I'm going to start buying starfruit just to put on the rim of my drinks...

I want to partake in the cocktail party!!!